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        Conch Venture Pingguo Haichuang Phase I Domestic Waste Incineration Power Generation Project Smoothly Connected to the Grid
        Date:2021-11-08 From:海螺創(chuàng )業(yè)

                At 23:58 on November 6, 2021, with the full support of the Pingguo Municipal Party Committee and Government, under the leadership of the company’s departments and regions, and with the enthusiastic help of brothers, through the commissioning team, each participating unit and With the joint efforts of all members of the company, the first phase of Conch Venture's Pingguo Haichuang Domestic Waste Incineration Power Generation Project was successfully connected to the grid, marking the completion of the first domestic waste incineration power generation project invested by Conch Venture in Guangxi, which is also the first in Baise area. Domestic waste incineration power generation project put into operation.

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        Successfully connected to the grid at 23:58 on November 6, 2021

                Conch Venture Pingguo Haichuang Domestic Waste Incineration and Power Generation Project has a general plan to process 2×400t/d domestic waste and will be constructed in two phases, one of which is 400t/d, supporting food waste treatment is 50t/d, and the second phase is reserved for construction land. On July 8, 2020, Ji Qinying, general manager of Conch Ventures, led a team to investigate the project site and negotiated with the Pingguo Municipal Party Committee and Government. According to the Pingguo Municipal Party Committee and Government, the project will start immediately, and the project will be completed and put into operation within one year. According to the requirements, the resources of all parties were urgently mobilized to enter the site on the same day, starting from engineering exploration and site leveling. The project started on August 28, 2020, and the first pile foundation was poured on October 9, 2020, and July 30, 2021. On November 6, 2021, the waste was put into the plant and put into operation. The grid-connected power generation was realized on November 6, 2021. It took only 17 months from the signing of the project to the realization of waste receiving and commissioning. It took only 20 months, and at the same time, the Pingguo Municipal Party Committee and Government's goal of putting garbage into the factory for one year after the start was actually achieved.

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        Hold a project promotion meeting

                Before the grid connection, Conch Venture Pingguo Haichuang has received 14,550 tons of waste, which has effectively solved the urgent need of the Pingguo Municipal Government to dispose of waste at the expiration of the landfill agreement on July 30, 2021. It has been approved by the Pingguo Municipal Government. Highly praised. During the construction of the project, the Pingguo Municipal Party Committee and Government visited the site many times for investigation and guidance, helping to solve various difficulties and problems encountered in the construction of the project. At the same time, it also received strong support from the Baise Pingguo Power Supply Bureau in the construction of the 35KV dedicated line for the project, and the 35KV line was fully connected before the project was connected to the grid for power generation.

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        Conch Venture Pingguo Haichuang Feeding and Commencement Ceremony

                Since the start of construction of the project, the company’s leaders have attached great importance to the progress of the project, and have visited the site many times to optimize the project design, construction and display plan, and provide strong support in terms of manpower, material resources and technology to promote the project to be more standard. The construction period is three months ahead of schedule, and the waste will be smoothly put into operation on July 30, 2021. During the project commissioning period, after the hard work of the commissioning team members, the on-site equipment installation conditions were checked one by one, working overtime, day and night to organize the equipment startup and commissioning work, which laid the foundation for the smooth power generation of the project, and will be compared to the standard on November 6, 2021. The grid-connected power generation was realized 22 days ahead of schedule.

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        Aerial view of Conch Venture Pingguo Haichuang Project

                In the next step, Conch Venture Pingguo Haichuang will fully integrate the experience of completed and put into operation waste-to-energy projects, use the company's superior resources, further optimize the process, improve the construction of facilities, and promote the steady improvement of the company's operating quality, and turn the project into a domestic waste incineration project in Guangxi. Power generation environmental protection demonstration benchmarking projects and social environmental protection education visits, training and learning bases, leading green development, better assisting the construction of local ecological civilization, and making greater contributions to the improvement of people's livelihood.

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